Archive 文献|Review of 2011 第1届回顾
The 1st Edition of N-Minutes Video Art Festival “Urban Skin” was held during 8 September to 8 October 2011 in Shanghai. Over 70 artworks from 39 international artists exhibited in the festival. N-Minutes was supported by many domestic and abroad art institutions. N-Minutes explores the non-profit insertion of art works into urban space, reflect on the utilitarian modernization progress on the public space, including both commercial and recreation ones. It attracted a mass participation domestically and abroad. Over 40 front raw press reported and the influence of the festival was enormous.
Success of edition 2011
2 exhibitions
4 locations of video show
1 outdoor projection at night
3 lectures
28 Chinese artists
11 Foreign artists
71 video works
60 000 visitors
48 press support
8 sponsors
5 international consulates in collaboration
陈航峰|Chen Hangfeng |陈侗|Chen Tong|陈劭雄 |Chen Shaoxiong| 陈勇为|Chen Yongwei
冯梦波|Feng Mengbo |胡介鸣|Hu Jieming|华军|Hua Jun |蒋志| Jiang Zhi
梁玥 | Liang Yue|李消非|Li Xiaofei |李明|Li Ming|刘国强|Liu Guoqiang
陆春生 | Lu Chunsheng |宋涛|Song Tao|孙逊 | Sun Xun |石至莹|Shi Zhiying
吴鼎|Wu Ding |王超|Wang Chao|没顶公司|Madeln|王欣|Wang Xin
杨振中|Yang Zhenzhong|杨泳梁|Yang Yongliang|叶凌翰|Ye Linghan | 赵晨|Zhao Cheng
张培力 | Zhang Peili|周明|Zhou Ming
Alberto Garcia Alix (Spain)| Annie Ratti (Italy)| Atsara (Fr) |Ben Houge (US) | Cindy Ng Sio Leng (Macao)
Isabelle Bonté (Fr)|Nam Hyojun 南孝俊 | Tobias Rosenberger (German) | Franck Scurti (Fr)
Stefan Nikolaev (Bulgaria) |Tuomas Laltinen(Finland)