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Presentation 简介 

​Architecture is the skeleton of a city, and its facade the urban skin.  The public spaces of our modern cities, where we live, work and rest, are filled with advertisements, and are in many ways demonstrating the commercial culture and spirit of the city.

Leading the way for national urbanization in the 21st century, Shanghai is one of the cities urging the development of commercial centers and urban advertising. The vast quantities of advertisements stimulate our desire, tempting and suffocating us at the same time, creating a sense of admiration and loathe. Commercial advertisements have evolved from their first contained location on our TV screens at home to our public transportation systems and pubic centers and streets, from the walls of a residential building to the elevators of work offices. Advertising and its media are the facade, expressing desire and prosperity. The urban skin of Shanghai, once rich with cultural motifs and symbols is now tattooed with famous commercial brands.

N-Minutes Video Art Festival is a public art project, which aims to promote video art among the big public and urban spaces. The purpose is neither political nor purely for entertainment, but is to enable a platform for video art. And to catch the attention of a broader public area towards video art that represents a variety of aesthetics, concepts, experiments, philosophies and crossovers.

N-Minutes was founded in 2011. Since then, it is held every year from September to October in Shanghai. With various art activities including Screening, Mapping, Performances, Exhibition and Forum, N- Minutes weaves video arts into urban life and interacts with the audience, enabling a new possibility of public art.​

Li Ningchun (Curator) 

《轻而易举》 Light as Fuck 

扬振中,Yang  Zhenzhong

2003, 录像,video,5'12" 



N分钟影像艺术节的是一个将影像艺术推广至城市公共与商业空间的公益项目。 希望在既有的商品社会中能够给予公众与艺术“N分钟”邂逅的机遇和可能,不为政治服务,不被消费利用,让表现美学、观念、实验、哲学与跨界思潮的影像传播到更广泛的公共区域。



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