Curated by: Angie Bonino
Cooperation:VIDEOAKT(International Videoakt Biennial )
10:00 - 22:00 Oct 28 - Nov 12, 2013
Venue: Chi K11 art space
Add: B3, 300 Huaihai road, Shanghai
Angie Bonino
(Peruvian and italian nationality - Live in Barcelona, Spain and Lima, Peru)
She is the first woman involved in new media in Peru. Her artistic work is multidisciplinary, using the audiovisual, activism, installation and internet platform. For several years she devoted himself to research and curator of the Peruvian artists in the International Festival of Electronic Art in Lima. Graphic designer and artist of Fine Arts of Peru, Master in Interactive Systems for audiovisual "Mecad" Ramon Llull University in Barcelona, Spain, Master in "LAMP" Free Software Systems grant from the European community. Write in publications, and works as an artist, and researcher of art with new technologies. Curator of video art section of Stamp Fair - Madrid, Spain, Director of VIDEOAKT International Videoart Biennial.
(秘鲁/意大利双重国籍 - 现居于西班牙巴塞罗那和秘鲁首都利马)
VIDEOAKT is a festival that takes place every two years in Barcelona - Spain and Berlin - Germany, and Paris in this next edition. VIDEOAKT is a platform for connectivity,creates networks between institutions and organizations supporting the video art development. Such connections start with invited institutions’ video art selections, with the presence of its curators and artists. Videoakt is directed by Angie Bonino, Gabriella Di Lorenzo y Zsanett Kovacs it has 5 platforms: Selection of the Competition, whose jury stands of experts of the field of audiovisual. The second selection is a tribute to the pioneer artist of video art, in this case it will be paied to Wolf Kahlen (Germany) one of the pioneers in the history of video art, and member of the Fluxus movement. The third section is the section of curators, which gathers national and international selection of highly regarded curators. The fourth section is a round table analysis and discussion “The telematic embrace” carried out by Silvia Alvarez, together with cultural managers, who are working on culture based proposals.The fifth platform is the section of guest artists, where we have the pleasure to meet with such relevant figures of the local and international scene.This selection for N - Minutes video art festival, is a part of videos classified by competition. In the competition section received 450 videos, and were selected bythe jury for exhibition 30 videos, a winner and an honorable mention. This time will be shown 13 videos of the 30 selectedbody landscapes and forgotten emotions.
Edition 2013 | Unit IV. VIDEOAKT Biennial progam 第三届 第4单元. VIDEOAKT影像双年展特别选片
10:00 - 22:00 Oct 28 - Nov 12, 2013
场地: 上海Chi K11艺术空间
Artists 艺术家:
Aditi Avinash Kulkarni, Alice Dalgalarrondo, Claudio Molina Moral, Félix Fernández, Julio Martinez Malqui, Katherinne Fiedler, Maia Navas, Mariokissme, Paulo Carneiro, Paul Barrios, Wei-Ming Ho
Curator 策展人
Artists and works 艺术家和作品
VIDEOAKT(International Videoakt Biennial ) Videoakt影像双年展
VIDEOAKT是一个两年一度的影像艺术节,举办地是西班牙巴塞罗那, 法国巴黎和德国柏林。VIDEOAKT致力于打造一个交流平台,以连结各类机构和组织,推动影像艺术的发展。这一努力发端于受邀机构的影像放映单元,并邀请相应策划人和艺术家一同列席。VIDEOAKT由Angie Bonino, Gabriella Di Lorenzo和Zsanett Kovacs等策划。VIDEOAKT共包含5个部分:1.竞赛单元,该单元评委都是视听艺术界泰斗;2.先锋艺术家单元,以向激流运动的重要成员、德国先锋艺术家Wolf Kahlen致敬;3.策划人单元,集聚了国际国内各位知名策划人;4.圆桌研讨会——“远程拥抱”,由Silvia Alvarez牵头,与会者都是文化产业经理人;5.客座艺术家单元,能让我们领略到那些国内外知名大家的风采。
Albert Merino (西班牙)
La ciudad y el otro《镜中的紊乱》,3´10,
Story about the subjectivity and condition of an individual in the city. It seems immersed inside an urban space, which is a mirror of itself. The reproduction is presented as an extension of subjectivity and alienation at the same time. This secrecy is broken with a fortuitous appearance that happens to change the protagonist’s perception about the world of the.
Cristian Alarcón Ismodes (秘鲁)
VII PULGADAS,《7英寸》,10´
A journey through a child’s imaginary built by an endemic militarism and a servile catechism for the purposes of the power. The yarn of this inquiry is a popular prayer sang to children as a Lullaby and still repeated in schools of Latin America.
Aditi Avinash Kulkarni (印度)
Insomnia a sleep state of misperception of time and space.
This film explores the violence of sleep and its social malfunctions.
Here the waking world is a volatile aftermath - a meeting place of affect and personal delirium.
Alice Dalgalarrondo (巴西)
Rio Catete《填河而成的里约Catete大街》,4´35¨
A poetic-documental experiment that I recorded of the rainfall in the streets of Catete, Rio de Janeiro from the window of my room. It refers to the river that happened long ago, that the waves of the sea one day already have embraced this soil. Voices, indigenous breaths making echo together with the mythical force that sheds the water. The street wants to be the river again
Claudio Molina Moral (西班牙)
Real People,《真实的保皇派》,2´24¨
REAL PEOPLE is part of the trilogy Live Like a king, where there is an analysis and reflection on the relationship between the monarchy and the true real people who support it.
Félix Fernández (西班牙)
Materialización para la eternidad,《实现永生》,6´14¨
This video document with a retro-futuristic look, deals with the artificial construction of an idol of the mass, where its protagonist directly refers to the common characters of this type of people: documentation exacerbated by his image, persistence in the time and the motivation to transcend beyond of his life.
Julio Martinez Malqui (秘鲁)
La Espera,《独自守望》,3´13¨
The video is about the feeling of isolation that a person can feel (whether it is personality, conflicts, depression, etc. ) and it is represented here in the projection of an inner world where one can feel protected but unable to get out of that bubble. Is fantasy enough to protect us from the reality?
Katherinne Fiedler (秘鲁)
La Espera,《教化》,1´32¨
The subtle violence with which the adult combs the girl speaks of submission to a social conditioning; a stipulated and demanding order, an emotional model an imposed discursive. Through this exercise the girl is used by the adult as a vehicle for the projection of the repressive contents of his own unconsciousness.
Maia Navas (阿根廷)
Bread was,《昔日面包》 ,5´45¨
To say that gender is stuffed before saying it. Invisibility coexists with spaces for creation that allows you to elucidate new forms. Question: what is a woman? Is answered by a chorus of voices and actions linked to the bread that can be built, materialized and collapsed. A cycle that reinvents itself.
Mariokissme (西班牙)
El chico chips y la ultratecnología《布宜诺斯艾利斯的小男孩vs梦幻科技》,6´
The video “El chico chips y la ultratecnología” has two aspects: reality and fiction. One is the dark and bright reality of a boy from a lower class of the city of Buenos Aires; and the other is the world of art, a place that already does not occupy the function of other times. It is an unaffected, hygienic and aseptic place. Meanwhile, the “chico chips” shows us a dirty, organic and alive place penetrated by the remainder of the culture of waste.
Paulo Carneiro (葡萄牙)
Clouds Maker ,《造云者》,10´
"Clouds Maker is the artist's vision of himself dreamy, contemplative, builder."
It is the will of both the artist and the videographer, to experiment to question themselves about the limits of art.
The approach to the film process without the existence of linear narrative premise and the homogenization between the two processes of artistic creation, and the two works.
Paul Barrios (哥伦比亚)
Nudo de nodos,《绳结通信法则》, 8´21¨
An object-based telecommunicational mechanism generates human interconnections. Communicating objects in their pure form act as codes in continuous transformation. “Knot of the nodes “opens contact possibilities in a saturated world with efficient systems of information and in lack of effective communication.
Wei-Ming Ho 何伟铭 (台湾)
Self- Destruction for Eternity,《无尽的自我毁灭》,6´26¨
Who decides who is good or evil? Who decides who lives or dies? Who will be the next victim? The calm before the storm …Is it an illusion? Or are there dark realities and tragic flaws hidden behind the scenes? Using a game engine to record and remix the images to re- comprehend violent elements from the nature and human behaviour.